bmp Portfolio Day 2023
This year’s Portfolio Day, which was once again very successful, took place on September 14th, 2023. The presentation of the IBG portfolio to almost 100 invited guests in Halle’s SaltLabs was wonderfully accompanied by the late summer weather.

The event was not only lightened up by the knowledgeable greetings from Andreas Höfflin, the deputy chairman of the IBG supervisory board, and the entertaining summary of the bmp’s activities over the last year by Ywes Israel.
The event was particularly enriched by the interesting founder insights into some companies that are new (Fridolin Franke from Solar Materials and Thomas Flassbeck from SimFin Analytics) or have been active in the portfolio for a while (Christian Theune from Flying Circus Internet Operations).

Afterwards, the conversations between investors, founders, coaches and all other guests were deepened over good food and good wine in the warm late summer night. This took another step in our mission to promote and support innovation, founders and entrepreneurs.

We would like to thank all guests – without you it would not be so successful!